Monday, October 22, 2012

weekly gratitude // 3

i am grateful for:

rainy day strolls through the city
entire evening long chats over wine with a darling friend
impromptu beds made on the floor for movie watching
sunny afternoons
knowing that i am loved
being encouraged to always day dream
random texts from my brother
hosting presidential debate watch parties (with homemade chili!)
sweet afternoon phone call catch ups with my girlfriends
open communication
difficult late night conversations that make us stronger
cooking...seriously i cannot seem to stop
rekindling friendships
jumping in leaves
colorado sunsets (they're starting to edge out kansas sunsets)
walking through leaves (you know all things leaves)
journaling through pages of a notebook
jared finally finding a place in billie jeans heart (she's not the easiest egg to crack)
our own quiet thanksgiving (even if we used a chicken and not a turkey and that it's still ocotber)
dog watching
his ability to take it all in stride
getting every single piece of clothing and bedding clean
long lazy weekends



pet a pup. do yard work. imagine everything.

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