Monday, August 27, 2012

cleaning out the kitchen

since our very first date i've heard my BF talk about the paleo diet.  since our very first date i haven't done my best to support his no dairy, grains or refined sugar abstinence. shame on me. now that we're officially living together (i still can't believe it!!!) i can support him in his desire to live a cleaner much more healthy life. yesterday he officially signed up for the whole life challenge through his gym.  starting on the 15th of next month we'll be eating nothing but the paleo diet for a month and a half.  to get things started off we made a dinner menu for the coming week.  buying only from the outer perimeter of the grocery made for a quick and easy shopping day! 


standing above the kitchen table on a chair with my camera viewer pushed up against the ceiling was slightly precarious and really kind of scary. and difficult. (this was the best shot i could come up with)


try a new vegetable. do something different. sing in the shower. loudly.

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