a simple list to describe my life right now...
smiles so big my cheeks hurt
preparing for the realistic but wanting the magical
apartment hunting is more fun when you don't actually need to find a place to live
loving openly, no matter how difficult it may seem, is easier than keeping it to myself
adventure scooter rides through the city with my BF chasing the sunset
surprise boxes of wine from my dearest of friends
introducing my BF to dawson's creek (and him automatically starting up episode 2 just after)
birthday cake ice cream.
when all else failed, laying belly to belly and laughing until...well for as long as we pleased
honest conversations about everything
daydreaming about turning an abandoned observatory into the most amazing home. ever.
wanting to find an apartment just so i can see all of my newly thrifted blouses all lined up
celebrating every monday...because we can
my mom keeps mailing me boxes (even though i have no home to put them in)
2 pairs of chewed up shoes from my friends' dogs
multiple trips to the bar with a good book and a beer
obsessing over crossword puzzle answers
i want a cheeseburger every night. he wants a burrito. so are life's many dilemmas.
solo thrifting trips after unity on sundays seem to be my restart button
find the perfect iced americano and tell someone why you like them!
never ever ever stop wanting the magical. never ever ever never ever.